LOCAL: (904) 743-8888

Grandparents Day
Sunshine Perfection Floral Arrangement in Jacksonville, FL | TURNER ACE FLORIST
Sunshine Perfection
Floral Arrangement
Talk about a ray of sunshine! Featuring stunning yellow roses, beautiful yellow alstroemeria, stylish yellow gerberas, and more, Sunshine Perfection truly lives up to its name. Spread some sunshine and happiness to the ones you love with this vibrant bouquet!
Shown at $50.00
Shown at $50.00
HIGH IMPACT Arrangement in Jacksonville, FL | TURNER ACE FLORIST
Be bold and make a statement with this unforgettable arrangement! The impeccable yellow Asiatic lilies are accented beautifully by the lovely lavender roses, pretty purple carnations, and alluring purple statice, creating a superb bouquet. This arrangement is bound to make an impact!
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Pink N' Flirty Floral Design in Jacksonville, FL | TURNER ACE FLORIST
Pink N' Flirty
Floral Design
Spice up the love! With striking Stargazer lilies, blue iris, purple statice, lavender stock, and pink gerberas, this attractive arrangement adds a fun and flirty twist to a day full of love. Pink N' Flirty is the perfect way to flirt with that special someone and show them how you feel!
Shown at $70.00
Shown at $70.00
Wild Variety Flower Arrangement in Jacksonville, FL | TURNER ACE FLORIST
Wild Variety
Flower Arrangement
Captivating and alluring, this bouquet is a winner! Featuring gorgeous orange lilies, lovely roses, beautiful purple asters, charming hot pink carnations, and more, Wild Variety is a lively and energetic mix. You can't go wrong sending this vibrant flower bunch!
Shown at $85.00
Shown at $85.00
Grandparents Day Special Designer's Choice in Jacksonville, FL | TURNER ACE FLORIST
Grandparents Day Special
Designer's Choice
Make them smile on Grandparents Day with a beautiful arrangement that’s designed especially for them. With fresh flowers and a little bit of love, they’ll know just how much you care. Send our Grandparents Day special to your loved ones today!
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00

Custom Flower Design
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
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Show Grandma and Grandpa you care by sending the traditional gift of flowers this Grandparent's Day. From across the street to across the country, let us help you make their day as memorable and sweet as they are. Say "You are in our hearts & thoughts" with traditional flower favorites: lilies, roses, snapdragons & irises. Let us create something your grandparents will love and appreciate.